我一向来都对韩食情有独钟,尤其韩国食物主张的是健康而不油腻,难怪韩国美女苗条皮肤又好,呵呵~ 在马六甲工作时,几乎每个月都会跑去韩国餐厅棒场。思前想后,其实泡菜不难做,所以日前尝试了一下,没想到结果意外地非常理想~ ^^ (自我肯定中...哈哈!) 简单又健康的泡菜不只可以拌饭吃,还可以煮汤煎饼什么的,太~~~~合我意啦~!!! (^v^)
I've always cherish Korean food (a.k.a Hansik), since when I can't even remember. Hansik emphasizes on healthy living which I guess as a tremendous contribution to pretty Korean ladies, especially their perfect complexion,ㅎㅎ ~ When I was working in Malacca, I used to bulldoze to Korean Restaurant every month for Hansik. Well~ I guess I should sometimes roll up my sleeves and start working for my own Hansik, and so I was trying to make the very first homemade kimchi couple days ago. The result turned out very well (unexpectedly)~ wahahahaha!!! I'm such a GENIUS la....kakakaka~!!!
材料: Ingredients:
大白菜一颗(约2公斤) Napa Cabbage (around 2kg)
蒜 (5-6枚) Garlic ( 5-6 cloves)
葱 (2 颗) Onion ( 2 bulbs)
姜 (约 1/4 颗) Ginger ( quarter)
梨 (半至一颗) Pear (half - one nos)
苹果(一颗) Apple (1 nos)
韩国辣椒粉 (适量) Suitable amount of Korean Pepper Flakes
红萝卜(两条) Carrot ( 2 medium size)
青葱 (2 大束) Spring Onion ( 2 bunches)
盐 (适量) Suitable amount of Salt
鱼露 (一汤匙) Fish Sauce ( 1 Tablespoon)

1. Clean and cut Napa Cabbage lengthwise into quarter. Remove the cores and chop it into bite size pieces. Soak cabbage in water and sprinkle 1 cup of salt. Keep tossing the cabbage every half an hour to ensure the salt is distributed evenly. The cabbage needs to sit at room temperature for 4 hours. After 4 hours, drain the cabbage and set aside. The cabbage will shrink as shown on right picture.
2. Cut pear and apple into cubes and put into food processor. Add ginger, garlic, onion and half cup of water. Blend until liquidized as shown below.
3. Slice spring onions diagonally and cut carrot into julienne. Mix with the white cabbage.
4. Pour the well-mixed liquid into on the cabbage.
5. Add 1 tablespoon of fish sauce.
6. Mix 1 1/2 cup of korean pepper flakes -- a.k.a koh chu kah ru 고추가루 (depend on your taste)
7. Mix all ingredients evenly by hand. Hand glove is required as pepper flakes can burn your hand.
8. Put kimchi into an air-tight sealed container.
** 完成后可以直接把泡菜放入冰箱内冷藏,或是放在冰箱外1-2天发酵后再收入冰箱。(如果直接放入冰箱的话,泡菜发酵过程会比较慢,吃起来新鲜脆口没有那么酸。如果是放在冰箱外1-2天发酵后再收入冰箱的话,泡菜味道会比较酸比较软) 这都可以因个人喜好而决定。我比较喜欢酸软的泡菜,所以选择置放在室内24小时发酵后才收入冰箱。24小时过后你会发现泡菜液会出现少许的泡泡,证明泡菜正在发酵哦~ ^^
** You can keep the kimchi directly into the fridge after all processes are done or you can choose to place the kimchi outside the fridge for 1-2 days for fermentation. The taste of fresh kimchi is less sour and crunchy compare to fermented kimchi. (Depends on personal preferences) How do you know whether the kimchi is fremented or not? After 1 or 2 days, you may find some bubbles with lots of liquid in the kimchi container~
** You can keep the kimchi directly into the fridge after all processes are done or you can choose to place the kimchi outside the fridge for 1-2 days for fermentation. The taste of fresh kimchi is less sour and crunchy compare to fermented kimchi. (Depends on personal preferences) How do you know whether the kimchi is fremented or not? After 1 or 2 days, you may find some bubbles with lots of liquid in the kimchi container~
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发酵过后的泡菜 This is how fermented kimchi looks like |
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